How Love Inc Works

Love INC Model (6)

The Love INC Model

We believe there's nothing more powerful than churches working together to transform lives and communities.

How It Works

The Connection Center is the foundation of Love INC and is the first opportunity we have to begin connecting churches relationally with neighbors in need. The Connection Center is staffed with trained, compassionate volunteers who listen carefully to each person calling in. Needs are analyzed, verified, and referred to an appropriate church ministry, agency, or church volunteers. The need is met if possible.

Love INC follows up, tracks outcomes, and reports back to the referring organization and partner churches. We are committed to connecting anyone in need with the resources necessary to live a productive and meaningful life.

Love Inc Flowchart Full size

Love INC Stages of Growth

With the help, experience, and encouragement of our national Love INC organization, we will follow their recommendations to build our ministry in five specific levels over the coming years:

Model of an affiliate

Level One

The Connection Center is a well-publicized call center that is staffed by one paid staff person (Client Care Coordinator) and well-trained volunteers. The Connection Center opened in August of 2018 and is the foundation of Love INC. Through the Connection Center, Love INC volunteers receive requests for help, screen the requests for extent of need and legitimacy, and refer the requests to a local church ministry, church volunteer, or community agency. Love INC follows up to ensure the need was met and to offer support.

Connection center

Level Two

Gap Ministry involves Love INC assisting churches to establish new programs no one else is currently providing or does not have the capacity to serve all in need. These are called “gap ministries." The purpose of a Gap Ministry is to provide a resource or service on an ongoing basis to meet needs not currently met by agencies, government, or churches. They help churches build relationships and transform lives while providing volunteers ways to live out their faith by serving others. Gap Ministries can have a deeper impact on the lives of people and the community. Looking for gaps in service started immediately by tracking data in the Connection Center. An example is partner churches helping with moving. In January of 2020, Grace Lutheran took the lead on this ministry and is now helping people in the community pack and move their items from one place to another.

guys moving

Level Three

Transformational Ministry

This mode provides caring relationships and training opportunities. To facilitate these relationships, we organize and equip church members (from across denominational lines) to lead life-skills classes or mentor people in need over a short, well-defined period of time. Usually, two to four months. The relationships built during this time are significant for all involved. An example is offering an Affirming Potential course that explores the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual areas of life. Building on the foundation that God created us with intrinsic worth and unique potential.


Level Four

Comprehensive Transformational Ministry

This mode provides training and support to people in chronic need over an extended period of time (one year or more) in order to help them fully understand and overcome problems and attain self-sufficiency. Comprehensive Transformational Ministry provides people in need with skills training, mentoring, goal setting, and spiritual and emotional support, along with a full array of church and community resources available through our Connection Center and Gap Ministries.


Level Five

Community Transformational Ministry

This mode is about community transformation, our ultimate objective. This level will fundamentally change how we address needs and permeate the entire community! Community leaders are engaged to address legal, administrative, and/or business infrastructure or practices unintentionally keeping a portion of the community in need and without hope. Love INC becomes an advocate for developing community-wide solutions that incorporate developmental compassion and preserve the dignity of people being served in a Christ-like and God-honoring way.