Celebrate Recovery
Helping you overcome hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
On Tuesdays at 6:30pm
St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 530 10th Avenue N.
Food & Fellowship is provided
For addition information or questions, please contact us at Love INC of South Wood County at 715.424.(LOVE) 5683 or St. Lawrence Catholic Church at 715.421.5777.
No registration is needed. Celebrate Recovery is an anonymous recovery meeting. No matter your hurt, pain, or struggle you are welcome. You are free to share or not to share inside the support groups. All meetings are open to anyone who desires change, but anonymity and confidentiality are basic requirements. We encourage you to visit five or six times before deciding if Celebrate Recovery is right for you!
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to take people from a place of addiction, dysfunction, pain, and hopelessness to a place of hope and healing in their life.
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered recovery ministry for people looking for real freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Each week you will experience worship, teaching, stories of healing, and safe, gender-specific open share groups where people share their struggles and successes, offering hope to those just starting their journey of recovery.